Friday, 17 October 2014

My Audience

1.Define what Demographic and Psychographic data are in relation to audience.

2. Online survey/questionnaire survey monkey

3.At least 10 people who are interested in my chosen genre

Demographic questions:-
1. Male/Female?
3.Employment Status? Student (College/Uni), Unemployed, School Pupil, Professional (Job that requires a further degree), Skilled (Plumber, Beauty Therapist), Manual (Not skilled/professional).
4.Income? £0-£10k, £11-£15k, £16-£20k, £21-£30k, Above £30k.

Psychographic Questions:-
1.Which of the following artists is your favorite?
2.How you consume music? Radio, CD, Illegal Download, iTunes.
3.Which of the below is your favorite brand?
4.How often do you watch live music (Concerts)?
5.How much would you be prepared to pay for a monthly magazine?
6.How often do you read about music on the internet?
7.Which name of a pop magazine do you prefer?

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